Monday, February 8, 2010

EDU630 Assignment for the Cohort 3 students



This course does not have a final examination. Students are required to complete three assignments. Each assignment must be completed using font size 12, Arial / Times New Roman and double spacing. Attach a front cover which gives the details of your particular/s, assignment number, title, etc.

Assignment 1 (40%) 
a. Students are required to submit a reflective paper individually of about two and a half pages on their personal / practicum experience and understanding on their roles as a student teacher. Include a critique/suggestions on how to improve those roles (10%) (submission date: 31.1.2010)

b. In groups of three, write a report on the talk by three guest speakers in a seminar. (Total: 3 reports) Each report should be about four pages, covering:

(i). area or content of the talk,

(ii) critique / personal reflection


Assignment 2 (30%) (Submission Date: 28.2.2010)

a. In groups of three, select an article on teaching and learning of English. Read and write a 10 page critical review of the article. The article can be obtained from written journals or from the internet. The article should be from the year 2005 onwards.

b. The critical review should include:

(i) An overview of the article (10%)

(ii) Your analysis on the strengths or weaknesses of the article (10%)

(iii) Your comments and suggestions (10%)

c. Attach the selected article with the write up. (Without the attachment, your critical review will be considered null and void).

Assignment 3 (30%) (First group to present: 21.2.2010)

a. In groups of three, select a topic given in the course outline, research and write an academic paper about ten pages on it. (10%)

b. Prepare a presentation for the class. The presentation should include brochures/short notes/etc. for the audience (20%).

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