Sunday, January 23, 2011


A. Recapitulation of previous lecture (ensure students read reading material given in the blog: check if they have it or not in their files).

B. Topic 1b: Religious Perspectives.

-. God created man with differences (race, colour, culture, faith) so that
    we will be able to get to know each other: (Al-Qur’an).
-. All man is believed to exist from Adam and Eve. The children of Adam
    and Eve spread  across the world, each pair forming different races,
    cultures colours and ways of lives.
-. In order to survive, man needs spiritual guidance: in the form of
    faith / belief
-. The faith again may differ from person to person, race to race,
    nation to nation, continent to continent.
-. The following discussions will be based on several beliefs practised in Malaysia.

From the perspective of Islam

-. “A child is born like a piece of clean cloth (fitrah). Its up to the parents to
     mould him as ‘Nasrani, Yahudi, or Majusi” (Christian, Jew or Magian)
    (Hadith Rasulullah).
-. Moral of the Hadith: parents play a very important role in ensuring the
    continuity of faith of their children. Failure to perform that responsibility
    may lead to very detrimental outcomes.
-. Other than parents, family members, relatives, teachers, community
    members, brothers and sisters in Islam are collectively responsible
    in inculcating, guiding and ensuring that Muslim children will strongly
     hold on to the faith.
-. Upon reaching adulthood (by the age of 15, or puberty), the person
    is now responsible for his actions.
-. He still requires guidance until the end.

Further reading: Refer to reading material at

From the perspective of Christianity.

-. A child is born with the ‘Original Sin’ (sins of the fathers: explain)
-. The child is raised by parents, given faith and guidance, made to
    understand about‘original sin’, regularly meet the local pastor /
    priest to ask for forgiveness.
-. Other than parents, family members, relatives, community members,
    are collectively responsible in inculcating, guiding and ensuring that
     Christian children will strongly hold on to the faith.
-. Upon reaching adulthood (by the age of 18), the person is now
    responsible for his actions.

-.Further reading: Refer to reading material at

From the perspective of Buddhism and Taoism

-.Believe in Karma: What you do will come back to you
-. Teach children to do good onto others
-. The 4 noble truth: 1. Birth, 2 Age 3. Sickness, 4. death
Taoism: believe in filial piety: respect your elders: especially parents
            : respecting nature: live in harmony with nature: then you have peace.

-.Further reading: Refer to reading material at

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